Saturday, May 3, 2008

Other runins with dad (Laurie)

The story that stands out the most to me that has to do with dad (And I know everyone has already heard it, but I thought I would put it down for posterity!) Is when I was 15 and I did something very very stupid.

It was the night of a Stake Dance and I was told beforehand to wash the dishes before I left, though I had forgotten about it in between getting dressed and figuring out how to get a friend of mine (who was a boy) to the dance without my dad finding out about it, because I knew he would be furious, and probably with good reason.

I went to the dance and that boy was there, (Though I don't know if he had any fun. I felt so awkward and guilty with him being there that I could barely stand to be around him) forgetting completely that the dishes were left just as before in the sink unfinished. Mistake number 1. Also after the dance I rode home with some of my brothers friends who were going to give the boy I invited a ride home and when we got to my house I got out of the car and I hugged the guy in plain site of the house. Mistake number 2.

When I walked in the door and into the living room where I knew my dad would be waiting I could see right away that he was furious about something. I didn't know it was at me until the remote control Dad had been holding came flying at me missing me by about a foot (On purpose I found out later)

I got an earful. First I was told that I was never allowed to see that boy or even talk to him ever again (That was dads reaction to every boy that I had interest in all through High school though-He even threatened to flunk one guy out of school if he so much as saw him talking to me) and then moved on to the subject of the kitchen. He griped at me for probably 30 minutes before it dawned on me that the reason he was so furious was because I forgot to do the dishes.

"This is about DISHES?" I asked during a break in the conversation
"Well I can do the dishes!" I said which I promptly did

And the conversation was over. That was the last time I ever forgot to do something I was told to do by my dad again (That I know of :)

1 comment:

Joel said...

How bout tellin about your personal private talk with dad...:-) Now that is a classic!